NiFi. HDP pre-configuration guide
Install NiFi on HDP 3.0
Login to container
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
docker exec -it sandbox-hdp bash
Install hdf mpack
Go to Ambari admin page -> Stack and Versions -> Add NiFi service (make your passwords with 12 characters)
Add proxy configuration
In case using VirtualBox on top of Windows, docker with hdp is run in virtual machine. Therefore you get access to the "host" machine via these credentials:
pass: hadoop
port: 2200
Go to
Edit file http-hdp.conf, add entry
NB! proxy_pass can be different. See previous entries in the file.
Restart sandbox-proxy container ( docker restart sandbox-proxy)
Prepare HDFS for tutorial.
Create folder “sandbox” run next commands :
Last updated
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