NiFi. HDP pre-configuration guide

  • Install NiFi on HDP 3.0

    • Login to container

      • ssh root@localhost -p 2222

      • docker exec -it sandbox-hdp bash

      • other

    • Install hdf mpack

      ambari-server install-mpack --mpack=
      ambari-server restart
    • Go to Ambari admin page -> Stack and Versions -> Add NiFi service (make your passwords with 12 characters)

    • Add proxy configuration

      In case using VirtualBox on top of Windows, docker with hdp is run in virtual machine. Therefore you get access to the "host" machine via these credentials:

      • root@localhost

      • pass: hadoop

      • port: 2200

      • Go to {HDP_DOCKER_INSTALATION_FOLDER}/sandbox/proxy/conf.d

      • Edit file http-hdp.conf, add entry

        server {
        listen 9090;
        location / {
          proxy_pass http://sandbox-hdp-security:9090;

        NB! proxy_pass can be different. See previous entries in the file.

    • Restart sandbox-proxy container ( docker restart sandbox-proxy)

  • Prepare HDFS for tutorial.

    • Create folder “sandbox” run next commands :

      su hdfs
      hdfs dfs -mkdir /sandbox
      hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /sandbox
      check if all correct with hdfs dfs -ls /

Last updated