DevOps: Tools. Docker

Docker is a app container platform, which makes use of linux cgroups and network namespaces.

Main benefits:

  • Cross platform, supports multiple cloud platforms and orchestration systems

  • Easy to manage

  • Efficient, delivers application with its environment

  • Provides high mobility for apps

  • Provides isolation

Docker operations

Create a container using Dockerfile

docker build -t image-name /path-to/context

Run a container

docker run -it -p 8080 –v volume-name:/path/to/mount image-name

Get list of running containers with ports

docker ps

Kill a container

docker kill container-id

Remove image

docker image rm image-name

Docker basic troubleshooting

Examine a list of images

docker image list -a

Examine running list

docker ps -a

Get container logs

docker logs -f containter-id

Execute a command (run a shell) inside

docker exec -it container-id bash

Check networks, proxy settings (if needed)

docker network ls

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