YARN: Exec Modes

How to execute tasks?

  • Local mode

    • Job is submitted on the (master) node of the Resource Manager

  • Remote

    • Hadoop is installed on a remote machine

    • Hadoop client jars installed on the local computer

    • Hadoop configuration files define the remote Hadoop cluster for the local Hadoop client

    • Does not work for few cases

  • SCP + remote

    • SCP + SSH + run locally


Grand total of 3 protocols:

  • ApplicationClientProtocol

    • Application launching program

    • submitApplication

  • ApplicationMasterProtocol

    • Protocol between AM & RM for resource allocation

    • registerApplicationMaster / allocate / finishApplicationMaster

  • ContainerManagementProtocol

    • Protocol between AM & NM for container start/stop

    • startContainers / stopContainers

Last updated